Teaching Statement



Vision and Expertise

During the past thirty years, and for more than twenty five thousand hours, I have taught critical studio art to a few generations of young Iranian artists, academically and privately. Such experience has enabled me to create a radical and compressed system in art education based on my own classification of visible forms, based on the Five Genes that make the DNA of all visual arts. This classification covers it all, from pre-historic era to now. It is an objective, simple and comprehensive way to categorize, understand and make visual species. This educational system has 30 fundamental academic lessons that explain the language of form, color and composition. These lessons are delivered by 80 practical and clear exercises that can interactively produce unlimited artistic and academic results; like Lego pieces; like nature. The exercise-based molecular structure of the system is easily modified to serve all ages and levels, from elementary school to higher education. The Five Genes system works both as an art academy and as a national/global agenda in the field of visual art education.


Philosophy and Method

Teaching is an art form, a performance that transfers an articulate piece of information through systematic and spontaneous methodology, to create conceptual form and space, and generate vision.

  • Form: the packages of visual and perceptual knowledge.

  • Space: the expansion of visual and perceptual awareness.

  • Vision achieved through challenging the mind by using the three tools of clear exercise, observational question, and comparative critique.